Building the Church of the Home, Building the Church of the Poor

Sponsor A Child

Help provide education and basic health care to the poorest of the poor.  Sponsor a child today.


A $32.00/month or $384.00/year donation will support a poor child in elementary or high school, while a donation of $64/month or $768/year will send a poor youth to college or vocational school.

As we do not give out donor’s contact information, the ANCOP office will facilitate this exchange. You can mail to us your letter and this will be forwarded to our ANCOP site coordinator who will hand it to your scholar. Likewise, you will be getting from us any letter coming from the child. We also recommend sending cards during birthdays and holidays.

You can write about your culture, provide a photo of your family, and express some encouraging words that will further motivate the child to do well in school, to value education, and to reach for his or her dreams.

You will need to inform us at least 1 month before your planned visit so that we can inform our ANCOP site coordinator to arrange and confirm the meeting. In your visit, you will be able to talk to your scholar, exchange stories, share a meal, and meet his or her family. For your scholar, it would mean a lot. Meeting you would put flesh on your act of generosity and caring.

Aside from your scholar’s letters, you will receive from ANCOP USA an Annual Progress Report (APR) with the child’s latest photo as well as updates on his or her school activities and other involvement.

ANCOP envisions graduating the scholars all the way to college. However, a child sponsorship may be discontinued for the following reasons:

  • transfer of the family to another location not covered by ANCOP’s operation
  • refusal of the child and/or his or her family to participate in required activities of the CSP
  • excessive absences from school, and/or dropping out from school

On a positive note, a scholar may voluntarily leave the program because his or her family’s financial status has improved.

In all cases and if termination is unavoidable, we will send you a letter about the termination of your scholar from the program. Likewise, we will provide you with the profile and photo of your new scholar.

If due to the unavoidable reason you will decide to discontinue your sponsorship, you will need to inform us at at least one month before the date of effectivity. This is important so that we will be able to find another sponsor to assume sponsorship of the scholar and avoid disrupting his or her studies.

Yes.  Online donation Receipts are emailed out upon payment and acknowledgment letter can be provided upon request as proof of doantion.


My name is Diana Rose.  I am 21 years old.  I have 10 siblings.  My father works as a taxi driver while my mother is a housewife.  She is a member of the Handmaids of the Lord.  I wish to become a teacher someday.  Your sponsorship would greatly help me and my family. 

My name is Wilmer. I am 19 years old. I am an only child. My father passed away in 2003 when he was killed in action while on duty as a soldier. My mother solely supports us even if she is just a housewife. I wish to become a policeman someday. Your sponsorship would greatly help me and my family.

My name is Arlene.  I am 18 years old.  I have 8 siblings.  My father works as a carpenter while my mother is a housewife.  She is a member of the Handmaids of the Lord.  I wish to become a teacher someday.  Your sponsorship would greatly help me and my family. 

My name is Noli. I am 20 years old. I have 5 siblings. My father works as a farmer while my mother is a housewife. I wish to become an engineer someday. Your sponsorship would greatly help me and my family.



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