Building the Church of the Home, Building the Church of the Poor

Terms and Conditions

Welcome to CFC-NC ANCOP, the ANCOP donations page of CFC-North Carolina. By accessing and using this website (the “Site) and its contents, you agree and acknowledge to be bound by these Terms of Use (“Terms”) and the Site’s Privacy Policy, may you be a CFC-NC ANCOP donor or not.

By using the Site, you also agree that CFC-NC ANCOP reserves the right to modify or revise the Terms on its sole discretion, effective immediately upon publishing the revisions on the Site. Please do not use and access the Site if you do not agree.

Please read the Terms carefully and review each provision periodically to know the conditions that apply to your use of the Site.

1. Use of Site and Site Materials

The Site and all content on the Site are intended for your personal and non-commercial use.  All materials published on the Site, including the CFC ANCOP logo, and all text, photographs, images, illustrations, animations, graphics, illustrations, videos, audios, scripts, and other files (collectively, the “Site Materials”) are owned by or licensed to ANCOP and CFC and are protected by copyright, trademark and other intellectual property rights under the law.

CFC-NC allows you a limited, non-exclusive, revocable, non-assignable, non-sublicensable, non-transferable and personal license to access, use, electronically copy, and print to hard copy portions of the Site Materials for your informational, non-commercial and personal use, as long as you maintain all copyright and other notices contained therein. This limited license may be terminated by CFC-NC for any reason, in CFC-NC’s sole discretion, without advance notice or liability.

The limited license does not grant you:

      a.  Ownership and any intellectual property interest in any Site Materials

      b.  Commercial use of the Site or the Site Materials

      c. Distribution, public performance or public display of any Site Materials

      d. Permission to modify or tamper, in any way, any Site Materials

      e. Use of any data mining, robots or similar data gathering or extraction methods

      f. Permission to download (other than the page caching) any portion of the Site, the Site Materials or any information contained therein

      g. Permission to use the Site or the Site Materials other than for its intended purpose

2. Third-Party Products and Services

No advertisements or promotions of a commercial nature for products or services are permitted on the Site.

3. Copyright

If you believe that anything on the Site infringes upon any copyright, please contact CFC-NC at

4. Trademarks

“CFC ANCOP,” along with other CFC ANCOP logos and any other CFC ANCOP service name or slogan contained in the Site are trademarks of CFC ANCOP, and/or its affiliates and may not be copied, imitated or used, in whole or in part, without prior written permission. You may not use any meta tags or any other “hidden text” utilizing the marks or any other name, trademark or product or service name of CFC ANCOP without prior written permission. The Site and Site Materials may not be copied, imitated or used, in whole or in part, without prior written permission. All other trademarks, registered trademarks, product names and names or logos mentioned in the Site are the property of their respective owners. Reference to any products, services, processes or other information, by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, supplier or otherwise does not constitute or imply endorsement, sponsorship or recommendation thereof.

5. Hyperlinks

You are granted a limited, non-exclusive right to create a text hyperlink to the Site for non-commercial purposes, provided such link does not portray CFC ANCOP or any of its products and services in a false, misleading, derogatory or otherwise defamatory manner and provided further that the linking site does not contain any adult or illegal material or any material that is offensive, harassing or otherwise objectionable. This limited right may be revoked at any time.

CFC-NC accepts no responsibility for, the quality, content, nature or reliability of third-party websites accessible by hyperlink from the Site, or websites linking to the Site.

6. Submission of Suggestions and Ideas

You acknowledge and agree that any questions, comments, suggestions, ideas, feedback or other information about the Site (“Submissions”) you provide to CFC-NC are non-confidential and shall become the sole property of CFC-NC. CFC-NC shall own exclusive rights, including all intellectual property rights, and shall be entitled to the unrestricted use and dissemination of these submissions for any purpose, without acknowledgement or compensation to you.

7. Donation Transactions

By confirming on the Website that you wish to make a donation you agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions for that donation.

(1) Donation Process

The donation process, including the available means of payment methods in the Site, will be posted in the Site, and is subject to the sole discretion of CFC-NC. We use secure payment service providers to process your online transactions. When you make a donation, you may be subject to the separate Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy of these service providers as applicable.

Once you confirm to us through the Website that you wish to proceed with your donation your transaction will be processed through our payment services provider, Paypal. By confirming that you wish to proceed with your donation you authorize Paypal to request funds from your credit, debit, PayPal, Dragon Pay, GCash and other forms of online bank accounts.

Donations originating from USA, Canada and Australia through will be redirected to CFC-NC ANCOP, ANCOP USA, ANCOP Canada and ANCOP Australia’s respective websites. However, all donations originating from the Philippines regardless where the card was issued will be accepted by our website.

(2) Unauthorized card use

If you become aware of fraudulent use of your card, or if it is lost or stolen, you must notify your card provider.

(3) Information from you
Before we can process a donation you must provide us with (i) your name, address and email address; and (ii) details of the credit or debit card that you wish to use to fund the donation. We will use this information to process your donation. It is your responsibility to ensure you have provided us with the correct information. 

When you submit your payment details, these details will be transferred to our payment provider, Paypal, and your payment data will be collected and processed securely by them. You should make sure that you are aware of Paypal terms and conditions, which are different from our own, to ensure that you are comfortable with how they will process your personal data before you make a donation.

We won’t share your personal details with any other third party other than is set out in our Privacy Policy. Our Privacy Policy forms part of these Donation Payment Terms and Conditions and by agreeing to these Terms and Conditions you are also agreeing to the way we use and protect your personal information in line with our Privacy Policy.

Refund Policy
Donations are non-refundable, however, refunds will be issued as necessary on a case-by-case basis.

If you believe that an error has been made in connection with your online donation, contact us. We will respond within two business days and endeavor to work with you to correct any such error and, if necessary, make any refund or correction that is appropriate.

If you change your mind about donating online through for any reason, we will honor your decision as long as you request a refund (return of donation) within 14 calendar days of the date on which you made the contribution. Refunds will be issued as a credit to the credit card used for the original donation. Charges arising from the refund will be charged to you.

You may contact us through:


email address:

(4) General

We reserve the right to amend these Donation Payment Terms and Conditions at any time.

8. Disclaimer of Warranties

Except as expressly provided to the contrary in a writing by CFC-NC the site, and the site materials contained therein are provided on an “as is” basis without warranties of any kind, either expressed or implied. CFC-NC disclaims all other warranties, expressed or implied, including, without limitation, implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title and non-infringement as to the site, including the information, content and materials contained therein. CFC-NC does not represent or warrant that materials in the site are accurate, complete, reliable, current or error-free.

CFC-NC is not responsible for typographical errors or omissions relating to text or photography. While CFC-NC attempts to make your access and use of the site safe, CFC-NC cannot and does not represent or warrant that the site or its server(s) are free of viruses or other harmful components; therefore, you should use industry-recognized software to detect and disinfect viruses from any download.

CFC-NC reserves the right to change any and all content contained in the site and to modify, suspend or discontinue the site or any features or functionality of the site at any time without notice and without obligation or liability to you. Reference to any products, services, processes or other information, by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, supplier or otherwise does not constitute or imply endorsement, sponsorship or recommendation thereof, or any affiliation therewith, by CFC-NC.

9. Limitation of Liability

To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, in no event shall CFC-NC, its affiliates, directors, members, employees or agents be liable for any direct, special, indirect or consequential damages, or any other damages of any kind, including but not limited to loss of use, loss of profits or loss of data, whether in an action in contract, tort (including but not limited to negligence) or otherwise, arising out of or in any way connected with the use of or inability to use the site, the content or the materials contained in or accessed through the site, including without limitation any damages caused by or resulting from reliance by user on any information obtained from CFC-NC, or that result from mistakes, omissions, interruptions, deletion of files or email, errors, defects, viruses, delays in operation or transmission or any failure of performance, whether or not resulting from acts of god, communications failure, theft, destruction or unauthorized access to CFC-NC’s records, programs or services.

10. Miscellaneous

Applicable Law and Venue. These Terms and your use of the Site shall be governed by and construed in all respects in accordance with the laws of the United States, applicable to agreements made and entirely performed within the USA without resort to its conflict of law provisions. You agree that any action at law or in equity arising out of or relating to these Terms shall be filed only in courts located in the USA and you hereby irrevocably and unconditionally consent and submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of such courts over any suit, action or proceeding arising out of these Terms.

Non-Waiver. Enforcement of the user content or conduct rules in these Terms is solely at CFC-NC’s discretion and CFC-NC’s failure to enforce any particular term of these Terms shall not be construed as a waiver of any of CFC-NC’s rights hereunder.

Severability. If any provision of these Terms shall be deemed unlawful, void or for any reason unenforceable, then that provision shall be deemed severable from these Terms and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining provisions.

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